Boat race

I make photographs and sometimes put them away and don’t look at them for months, sometimes the distance helps me not be attached to something I might have had a lot of fun making, it gives me a clearer head when I look and see the second or third time around.

The other day I was looking in a desk in my studio space and found a handful of things I made over the summer. It was a long summer, longer than I had hoped for a variety of reasons but I’ll just keep it to that.

I made this along with a handful of other images on the island in the heat. Boats were sailing infront of me as I did my thing. I exposed the prints and gathered them and chatted with some young people sitting on a bench who were wondering what I was up to.

Months later, here it is…

Close as they sail to the next point
Boat race

The two boats raced to the next marker, they sailed into the wind and charged over the waves. I don’t know who won.

Author: jnanian

I am a Freelance Photographer in Rhode Island. I make photographs using a variety of methods with and without a camera, and I teach photography online and in person. I make photo emulsions from scratch, I coat my own photo paper and make cyanotypes too. I am a huge fan of Caffenol ( I helped write the Caffenol Cookbook ) and instead of instant coffee, I roast my own Sumatra Robusta beans. I sell them so you can make your own long lasting, film and print developer called Sumatranol. I also sell silver recovery products.

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