more 7 second impressions
Instead of using a Delmar box camera I used my a Graflex SLR. These old lenses render the world in such a different way than modern lenses. I photographed the
Photography, Coffee Developers, and Homemade Cameras
things that might not fit in a category.
Instead of using a Delmar box camera I used my a Graflex SLR. These old lenses render the world in such a different way than modern lenses. I photographed the
Sometimes I make a photograph and in my head there is a background to it, not where it was taken or what it is but a story I create just
if you see something on my website you want a print of, let me know via contact form, or go to my etsy page I’ll make you something affordable
Im not sure about you but I tend to use paper in my cameras instead of film. Film is great and all that, but it’s so expensive I’m not sure
If you see photographs on my instagram feed, contact me about purchase. Everything you see is for sale, signed and dated. go to sizes and prices vary
I am making more light struck photographs. They are atmospheric sun prints developed in an open tray in daylight
at what point does light struck film or paper stop being a photograph? . this photograph was made using photographic paper, light and paper developer.
neither in or out on the edge on the outskirts in a state of limbo almost forgotten half awake half asleep when I was photographing a local historic site I
If you’ve driven on any road you’ve probably stopped at a rest stop or pulled over somewhere to have a bite to eat. Along some of the state highways in
Over the past handful of years I have been making photographs at a variety of natural sites ––– lakes, ponds, rivers, shorelines, islands and suburbia, woods &c. I have always
For years I have wondered what photography was. Is it an “art form”, is it a “craft” is it a “science” ? With the invention of consumer photography in the
A handful of years ago I went to Quebec. I wandered and ate and socialized. I brought a camera and photographed what caught my eye, and I have printed some
A couple of Fridays ago I was listening to Science Friday on the radio and I heard a comment that a Neurologist made about memory. I’m paraphrasing but she said
Continue reading…If you remember something, you probably don’t really remember it …
I spend less and less time reading and going to photography forums. These places are filled with photographers or aspiring photographers, and a lot of cranky people. So much time
I’ve been making photos of one sort or another since I was 4 years old and was given a hand-me-down camera. When I was in high school began taking formal