my last entry i mentioned i had finished exposing about 36 sheets of film. it was more than that .. 4 bag-mags filled with a variety of tmx ( 100 ) tmy (400 ) and some mystery film that was bad enough that it never exposed. maybe 10 sheets were as clear as unexposed film when it came out of the developer. they were some of the first sheets i processed to test the developers. i increased the times and added a little more dektol to my mix. originally it was about 1:8 but i added so it was more like 1:6.
i hadn’t ever processed film in dektol before, only heard about it, and i have to say i was happy with the results. i have to fine tune my dilutions and times but for the most part everything looked good.
i exposed in a variety of different lighting conditions, room light, weak window light, bright light and i exposed my film well. sometimes developers need a little encouragement. i go against convention.
here are 2 from my 39 sheets.