lame paper for cyanotypes

if you’ve made cyanotypes and applied the chemicals on the paper yourself you know what I am talking about. some papers work great, some papers are kind of pathetic.

I mixed my classic formula ( well its a modification of the average of every formula I could find ) its A 27g/100cc B 12g/100cc of water and put 2 or 3 coats on whatever paper I am using.

this time around I had a project in mind that has been cooking for a few years. I made digital negatives and coated paper. 1 sheet I soaked in vinegar to neutralize if it was buffered the other I coated straight. I gave them both the same amount of light and washed them. washed out greenish light blue and I’ll never use the paper again. incase you are taking notes it was staples paper in the yellow package 25% cotton writing bond. It has a watermark so im not too upset that it didn’t work out.

I have some Bristol and Bienfang that I already know works.

Author: jnanian

I am a Freelance Photographer in Rhode Island. I make photographs using a variety of methods with and without a camera, and I teach photography online and in person. I make photo emulsions from scratch, I coat my own photo paper and make cyanotypes too. I am a huge fan of Caffenol ( I helped write the Caffenol Cookbook ) and instead of instant coffee, I roast my own Sumatra Robusta beans. I sell them so you can make your own long lasting, film and print developer called Sumatranol. I also sell silver recovery products.

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