more waxed paper negatives

over the past few months i have been using paper negatives instead of film, and making photograms
when i make cyanotypes.  in other words, instead of using a film negative and making a contact print
or just putting objects on the paper to record their shape and or shadow, i have used paper, and charcoal
and made rubbings.  the first photographic negatives were paper negatives, and they were usually waxed
before they were printed as a positive / salt print.  while i have the materials to make salt prints
( paper sized in salt water, smeared with silver nitrate and exposed to UV and BLUE light to make a photograph )
i am making cyanotypes.  an IRON not SILVER  photographic process that uses 2 chemical compounds
which when mixed together are sensitive to light.  then the paper is washed in regular old tap water,
iron rinses out and the print is deep blue in color.  most of the time i bleach the  blue, so the image isn’t so  … blue
and i paint or use crayons to color the images by hand.
rather than making rubbings of things i have close by  …  parts of doorframes, tables, cameras, floor tiles &c
i chose to take an image or two that was taken with a digital camera.  i reversed it to turn it to a negative, and had it printed onto xerox paper.
i waxed the paper and used it as a negative  …

these are a few of the prints i came up with ,,,


waxed, painted bleached








the point
bleached cyanotype, waxed negative








bleached, waxed negative








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