A handful of years ago I went to Quebec. I wandered and ate and socialized. I brought a camera and photographed what caught my eye, and I have printed some of these things over the years. I was involved with a print exchange recently and made a handful of cyanotypes for 8 people on the list and after I coated and printed i tidied up my lab. I swept the floor and filled a giant garbage bad with things that had been waiting to be tossed for years. I saw my faucet was leaking so I went to the big box home repair store, bought and installed a new faucet. My old faucet had a fitting on it so I could attach my thermometer in-line, unfortunately I the thread on the aerator was a bit different in this new faucet so I can’t have the same set up … but in all this cleaning up I found handfuls of digital negatives I have been meaning to print but have been too sidetracked with other stuff to print. One of these negative was a contact sheet of things in Quebec.
I loaded slide the negative onto of paper and sandwiched it between to big panes of glass. I stuck it under the light. The paper wasn’t new, it was probably from last spring, it was darkish blue, meaning it probably wasn’t the best choice.
After the light and paper and water did their things, I scanned the paper contact sheet. The tonality and image quality was what I liked, the lines between images had sometimes vanished.