a semi centennial camera stand is a camera stand on wheels.
it can slide up and down ( counter balanced with springs ) and many portrait photographers
had their cameras on them since they used big bulky large format cameras that weren’t portable.
according to “the photographic times and american photographer”
a book i found in google books edited by wi lincoln adams in 1890
( volume xx, published by the photographic times publishing association in ny )
( a link to google books )
info on the the semi centennial stand can be found on page 181 –
it says: ” the semi centennial camera stand invented by e.c. fisher and sold by c.h. codman & company,
is worthy description in this column. it is called ‘ the camera stand of the future’
and twelve reasons are given why the professional photographer should adopt it.
they are as follows:
first, because you can lower the camera within thirteen inches of the floor,
this being lower than any other stand will admit of.
second, because you can raise the camera as high as you wish.
third, because it is the only camera stand using rubber wheels as casters,
therefore it is perfectly noiseless.
fourth. because it has one of the best turning castors in use.
fifth, by the use of its coiling springs and key, you can make it counterbalance any weight of camera, from 8×10 to 14×17 inclusive.
sixth, because you can quickly adjust your camera up or down with perfect ease.
seventh, because it is very strong and rigid.
eighth, because it is simple in construction and will not get out of order.
ninth, because it is thoroughly made, of neat design, light with no heavy weights.
it is an ornament to the studio.
tenth, because with ease of working you will make better work. you never look down upon the sitter, but squarely in the face.
eleventh, because it was invented by a practical photographer, and has been perfect in all its points.
twelfth, because every stand is warranted perfect in all respects.
the stand when packed ready for shipment, weighs ninety-five pounds, and the price, boxed is twenty-five dollars.