neither in or out on the edge on the outskirts in a state of limbo almost forgotten half awake half asleep when I was photographing a local historic site I
Photography, Coffee Developers, and Homemade Cameras
neither in or out on the edge on the outskirts in a state of limbo almost forgotten half awake half asleep when I was photographing a local historic site I
first .. i probably have said this or explained my “terminology” if i add colors by hand with paints &c i call the images hand painted, but if i
i have been exposing film without processing it for about a year now. i had about 20 or 25 rolls of assorted black/white and color 35mm and a couple of
its been a week or two since i mixed up the emulsion,and started playing with it. i’ve come to the conclusion that this emulsion works likes thin smooth paper like the butcher