retina FILM print
yeah i know photo paper + retina print but i have made retina film prints before and even retina glass plate images too ! today i made with
Photography, Coffee Developers, and Homemade Cameras
hand coated photography emulsion on a metal plate developed as a direct positive. instant photography from the early 1900s, like a polaroid.
yeah i know photo paper + retina print but i have made retina film prints before and even retina glass plate images too ! today i made with
i thought i posted a link to this but i guess it got away from me. i was interviewed by a little while ago about film and emulsion and
just got an email today and someone asked: why don’t you do wet plate photography? i had to think for a little while, not long and my answer was: because
Continue reading…recent email: hey, why don’t YOU do wet plate?!
found some coated plates in a box! 5x7s ready to expose, can’t wait 🙂 my only problem is, should i make cameraless images, or glass negatives, or ambrotypes ? i
i loaded up a graflex series d plate holder yesterday and filled it with 6 coated plates. i exposed them heavily hoping my dead emulsion would like extra light and
for a little under a year i have been playing with dry plate tintypes+ambrotypes. my glass plate history began back when i was in a directed study photography class at
last night with the radio keeping me company i heated emulsion and scrubbed glass and coated 6- 5×7, 4- 4×5 glass plates 1 – 4×5 metal sheet, and 2 trimmed
they say you dream in black and white and when you awake your brain puts color to it all. i awoke and saw it all in color …
i haven’t’ coated plates with hand made emulsion yet, that will happen soon enough … but i have been coating plates on and off since the mid 1980s … there
i made a handful of nice tintypes today, and ambrotypes using the dry plate method. and i am looking forward to making photographs like this … it took a lot
i got the kinks out of coating plates and metal the other night. it seems my water wasn’t hot enough to melt the gelatin completely .. so i turned up
continuing my experiments with emulsion and coffee i coated a metal plate, and left it in my retina camera for 4 hours and processed it in sumatranol 130 instead of
im working on a project again ( i started a long while ago but life got in the way ) of making silver gelatin tintypes. i have the rockland colloid
Continue reading…reversed ( positive ) silver gelatin images