there is a bee keeper on the other side of town i like to buy honey from. i usually drive down his drivewaywhich looks like it isn’t really there from the head of the street, but you just make a left and follow the dirt road. you arrive and there are honey bees flying around doing their thing. if i was my younger self i wouldn’t be very happy, i’ve been bitten by bees or yellow jackets and wasps and hornets when i was a kid, and i have a healthy misunderstood fear about honey bees. they just do their thing, its the other “stuff” that want to sting you. just yesterday i was talking with an old friend who told me about how he moved a school desk in his back yard and a cyclone of thousands of yellow jackets came out and chased him inside. he’s the same guy who told me a story years ago, when i mentioned we had yellow jackets flying out of a hole in the ground, he told me about hiking in california or someplace and stopping at an overlook of some sort and he heard the hum of high tension wires / electricity. he looked around and there were no power lines but he noticed yellow jackets coming out of the ground. he was standing on a giant hive … he kind of kept walking and didn’t look back.
anyways, the bee keeper …
i’ve gone there a few times and told friends and family about him. he goes by the name papa roger in case you want some, or want to buy some bees or bee keeping supplies the first batch of honey i got from him was in a big quart jar, and it was black as tar, and amazing. the 2nd batches were in smaller jars and the usual amber color. we’re out now and i have to bring my jars back to papa roger to be re-filled with his local honey. some say that consuming honey is good if you have allergies to pollen, hay fever &c. im not sure if it is true, or not, i just like his honey.
this is one of the jars. i made some cyanotypes from it. i used fresh mixed cyanotype emulsion, the “classic” recipe there are as many recipes for making classic cyanotypes as there are people who make them
the one i used:
50 g. Ferric Ammonium Citrate (8 oz. H2O)
Part B 35 g. Potassium Ferricyanide ( 8oz. H2O)
the blues are deep and dark and beautiful. the cyanotypes i had been making the last few weeks were made with pre-coated paper from 7+ months ago, i could see the difference immediately the fresh coated, fresh made paper is more sensitive to light, and depending on the batch i used the blue can be more intense. the contrast is really high so i have decided to use the sun in open shade if i can for at least part of the exposure and direct sun for part of the exposure, it gives a fuller image. anyways here are 3 honey jars