The overpasses

We pass this stretch of road every day.

The road brings people on and off and down, and up and over. Concrete and metal and sometimes there is dead grass and trees. I pass the area a few times a day and took a snapshot of it yesterday

Cars behind me wishing I would go at the light, but they were patient. I took a few frames and spaced them together to one. I did photoshop magic and then thanked that guy who invented the cyanotype John Hershel for letting me have so much fun.

Out in the sun I paired 2 negatives and the sun went in and out of the clouds just right, and I washed and used a little washing soda, maybe a little too much. I soaked in caffenol for a little while and blackened the image a tiny bit.

It hung on the line until just a few minutes ago when I peeked and scanned it. I’ve been having such bad luck I thought it was going to vanish and be one of those prints .. I tweaked it a little with photoshop after I separated the one from the other and here it is.

dots and black and white and blue.

Author: jnanian

I am a Freelance Photographer in Rhode Island. I make photographs using a variety of methods with and without a camera, and I teach photography online and in person. I make photo emulsions from scratch, I coat my own photo paper and make cyanotypes too. I am a huge fan of Caffenol ( I helped write the Caffenol Cookbook ) and instead of instant coffee, I roast my own Sumatra Robusta beans. I sell them so you can make your own long lasting, film and print developer called Sumatranol. I also sell silver recovery products.

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