As I mentioned in an earlier post USI, the company I was distributing for isn’t around anymore, but another company grew up in it’s place.
I have the price list for Trickle Tanks and Media Buckets and the “after” test to determine how much silver is in the fluid that leaves your system and to learn if it’s time to get another media bucket.
These prices DO NOT include shipping. Shipping depends on distance from the manufacturer so it is different every box.
3 Gallon Trickle Tank System (RFHT+SW3G) >>>$255
(Capacity is about 150 Gallons)
5 Gallon Trickle Tank System ( RFHT+SW5G) >>>$275
(Capacity is about 300 Gallons)
3 Gallon Replacement Media Bucket (SW3G) >>>$120
5 Gallon Replacement Media Bucket (SW5G) >>>$140
After Test (STS) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$85
These prices are for March 2022 and are subject to change without notice and do not include shipping.
I take PayPal ONLY. Please contact me if you have any questions or for a purchase.